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YouthTrek 2010

A compilation from the 8 YouthTrek Sessions held at the Gulf Christian College in term 4, 2010. YouthTrek is an Adventure Based Personal Development Program designed and facilitated by CrossTrek. Cr...

YouthTrek Trial 2010

In 2010 CrossTrek designed and Facilitated a trial of the YouthTrek Personal Dvelopment Program hosted at the Gulf Christian College.

The YouthTrek program ran for 3.5 hours a week, for a total of 8 consecutive weeks. The YouthTrek program commenced in week 2, Term 4 (9 October) and was finalised on the 27 November. The Sessions were run on the Friday of the week from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. Certificates of Participation and completion were presented to all participants at the end of year College Presentation Night.

The YouthTrek Program was made up of the following areas of content. These were meant to be introductions to the different areas and not in depth training and assessment, with the main focus being Participant enjoyment and engagement with the program, not on specific results relating to each area.

Undertake a practical community service – Environmental Project: bird surveys

Undertake a hobby/skill – Bird Watching/Photography

Undertake a physical recreation – Bush Walking

Participants carried all their own equipment for the bird watching and photography as well as all equipment required to cook meals out in the field. This program was designed and facilitated by Ross Harrold in a voluntary capacity with the help of another adult volunteer, and there was no cost to participants, except if they chose to enrol in the Duke of Ed Award Program. 

The Core Values of a YouthTrek Participant are reflected in these 3 key areas of life.

Honour our Culture

Serve our Environment

Strengthen our Community

By developing a participants understanding and connection with these three key areas in effect adds value to the individual. The concept of Core Values is all about an individuals personal development.

Trial Program Results


Week 1–                  4 participants

Week 2 –                 3 participants

Week 3 –                 3 participants

Week 4 –                 7 participants

Week 5 –                 8 participants

Week 6 –                 8 participants

Week 7 –                 8 Participants

Week 8 –                 8 Participants

Participation in the program became consistent by week 5 with the same students participating in the rest of the program. The program was open to students in grades 5, 6 and 7at the Gulf Christian College, which was a total of 18 students. 87% of participants were of Indigenous background and two key participants were often disruptive in class, but were extremely helpful and engaged with the program. Many of the participants stated that their desire to be involved came from the lack of any other form of engaging activity in the community for their age group and it gave them a chance to get out of the house.

Other comments made by participants: “this was the best time ever, the most fun I’ve had”; “I’m coming back next week”; “Can we do this tomorrow as well?”

When it came to carrying equipment in packs participants often commented that they did not have enough in their own pack and wanted to carry the heaviest pack. All participants willingly involved themselves in the cooking and preparation of meals as well as self-determined their own small teams that they would work together in. Included below are copies of some of the reports printed in the community paper the Gulf Chronicle, which includes many photos taken by participants.

More images can be viewed by clicking HERE.

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